Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Galleries featuring Mosaic's very own...

Marshall Roemen

Marshall Roemen is a part of a show that is actually in two locations: Patterns and Rhythms, an abstraction show curated by Scott Canty. It is showing for the next few months at:

LA Municipal Gallery @ Barnsdall Park (THIS IS THE PRIMARY LOCATION OF THE SHOW, November 6th - January 18th, Reception: Sunday November 9th, 6-9pm)

AND selected works at

LAX Int'l Airport, Terminal 1 Hallway (which CAN ONLY BE SEEN IF YOU'RE TRAVELING as a ticketed passenger, sorry to say, November 14th - March 27th).

Dany Paragouteva

Featured in Blu LA Cafe, is Dany Paragouteva. The cafe is highlighted in the Downtown Artwalk, which will be tomorrow, November 13th.

There are 6 paintings there already that will be permanently displayed, and a few of them are the ones featured in
Wide Awake, written by Erwin McManus. This is a great opportunity to see the originals.
Blu LA Cafe is an urban oasis catering to local residents and nearby workers in the newly renovated Downtown Los Angeles. Our great service and unique food and drinks menu combine great American classics with the diverse cultural influences that make up LA. Our indoor and outdoor seating areas provide an atmosphere that promotes relaxation and socialization, which replenishes the mind, body and spirit.

Blu LA Store Front Night
p: 213 488 2088 f: 213 488 0988 e: INFO@BLU.LA

Dan and Lisa Soltis


Right before the holidays is the perfect time- come do some Christmas shopping!

There will be jewelry and accessories, and prints of drawings and paintings, in addition to the original pieces for sale.

Light refreshments will be provided.

(the building is down the street Factory Place, (off Alameda between 5th and 6th downtown LA) and is on the right hand side. parking all along the street)

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