Tuesday, November 14, 2006

OB(SERVE)...and other interesting tidbits


Wow! The first ever Mosaic Visual Arts Gallery Event was a huge success!! The evening couldn’t have been more beautiful! Thanks to Kristin Gallagher and Michelle Seow and the loads of volunteers who helped- guests were greeted by smiling faces, tree lights, free coffee and cookies and a clear process for bidding on the paintings. We had over 200 people pack the room- many of which were guests, co-workers and locals from the neighborhood. DJ Mytar did a set of spinning and Joel Catalan Jr.’s Jazz band lit up the evening as well putting smiles on everyone’s faces. It was fun seeing the competitive nature of people as it came down to the wire for bidding for the 70 plus paintings. Ultimately we sold 95 percent of the paintings and raised around $3,300 dollars for charity. If you went to the event and didn’t see your painting we ran into two issues, space to allow only so many paintings- of which we picked our oldest paintings and our more successful recent paintings. Also as we went through the paintings—there were many that were unfinished. We did not sell any of the paintings from Life’s Toughest Questions.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this an incredible night!

On another note—the ZINE we have been working hard to accomplish is finally done and we passed them out at the gallery event. Stephen Fitzgerald worked hard to bring all of your art and visual testimonies into a cohesive story. He did an incredible job as jaws dropped when they received them and flipped through them. We’re praying that the art speaks into hearts that words can’t.

If you created art for the zine I will be in touch soon to get you a few copies. No worries.


Alright! Let’s shed some light on this mural project shall we?

We need a mural for the front of William Carey. (Sorry Mr. Mott- but we’re covering your scary face. No matter where you stand—he looks at you.)
It is a contest. The best mural design – picked by the lead team- gets painted.
Everyone will be invited to paint the winning mural over Mr. Motts scary face.
The mural must have the mosaic logo as the central icon, covering Mr. Motts scary face.
The mural can cover the doors if you want but needs to cover Mr. Motts scary face.
All submissions must be delivered by Christmas!!
We will be PAINTING in January!

DESIGNERS--THINK: Mosaic, Los Angeles, Multi Cultural, color, shape, urban, city, John Denver etc.

(O.k. maybe nothing with John Denver)

Go ahead and email me and I will send you a photo of the front that you can print out and trace your design over. OR you can go and take your own photos and do what you need to present the best Mosaic Mural ever!!

Any other questions—go ahead and email me. joby@mosaic.org


Mosaic is doing a Christmas play! So William Carey needs a cool set. We will be putting a team together to help build this sucker—and we’re talking Charles Dickens kind of Christmas set. Old shops and storefronts and snow. So we will need a good team for building and painting. If you are into being contacted to help build and paint and snow--- let me know-



We have a Visual Arts Small Group!!! They meet on the West Side! If you live on the West side and want to get together with a group of amazing artists to hang, eat, talk, and create together contact either Kirsten Presher kpresher@hotmail.com or Lisa Soltis at lisasoltis@yahoo.com

We are in the process of starting roughly 5 more groups in the Los Angeles area! These groups are being created to help build community among the artists and accelerate connecting new people. Otherwise the world waits for me to get my act together and people and projects fall through the cracks.

We will let you know of all the groups and locations asap.


I hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving! If you are here in Los Angeles alone---you need to be somewhere for Thanksgiving---don’t be weird—let me know if you have nowhere to go—we’ll get you hooked up with some loving people and good food!

Many people think Thanksgiving was started by a bunch of Pilgrims and Indians eating turkey around a bunch of wig-wams. But it was actually set in place as a day of gratitude to God by President Abe Lincoln. Yes, good old Abe. What’s beautiful about this day is that it was created as a day to be grateful amidst chaos, stress and pain. The civil war was at it’s worst. In fact it was very common to live in a home affected with loss of a loved one, financial burdens or just plain stress about what the future held for America. America was completely divided. But Abe was optimistic and said even though life is hell right now and we are all suffering loss and oppression, lets set this day aside to thank God for what we do have, for who we have and for the healing we will be receiving. Lets have a little optimism this year huh? Instead of looking ahead and worrying about what you don’t have or what could happen, look around you now at what and who you have been blessed with right now. Allow that to fuel your movement into the future. Gosh-thanks Abe!! Why’d you have to go to the theatre that night Abe!? Why?!.

I don’t think I need to go through what Christmas is about…

Thanks everyone!! God bless and please let me know if anything is confusing.

Joby Harris


Fall Fest Photos
If you missed Mosaic's annual Fall Fest, boy did you miss out on feeling like a kid again! Visual Arts had a "paint a pumpkin" wall which kids- young and old- flocked to. There was also painting with vegetables and crazy-hat-making. The In-N-Out truck was there to make our stomachs happy, as were free sno cones and popcorn! The dance ministry put on a moving piece during the celebration, which can be seen at www.awakenhumanity.org/dancevideos under "Religiosity." Be sure to make it next year, and thank you to our volunteers! We really couldn't have done it without you, esp. Andy Q., who stood in the InNOut line so we could eat. =)

Thursday, October 26, 2006

A Royal Dual!

Photos courtesy of Christine Saddul. More pictures of Terra Nova can be found at:
Lydia Fenstermacher: http://homepage.mac.com/lydiaf/PhotoAlbum6.html
Nathan Baird http://www.flickr.com/photos/ensie/sets/72157594271277886/


Here ye here ye!
Prince Joby of the Visual Artistsdom has announced......
A Dual
On this, the twenty-sixth day of October two thousand and six
Prince Joby summons all in the magical land of Mosaic to an artistic dual
The royal court's challenge to thee is a mural design concept to grace the entranceway entire of the courts of Mott Auditorium at thee own William Carey University whilst we are in the midst of royal improvements
Every last fair maiden and dashing gentleman is invited in this quest
To CREATE, capture and bewitch the hearts of all the province
The details of thee upcoming dual will be very soon posted at the following magical link http://mosaicvisualarts.blogspot.com/

A servant of the High King of the Way,
Julia LoVan
(if you didn't read this message in a British accent, standing on your living room couch, and making big gestures, read it all over again)

So, you read the royal scroll, the scroll which only YOU were allowed to unroll because YOU have the gifting, the talent to dream big dreams in sketching out a mural for Mosaic's big renovations extravaganza. What is currently up at the front of Mott Auditorium is a GINORMOUS photo of John Mott. Hardly bewitching and captivating, in my opinion. They are gutting the interior to make it rival the ambience of The Mayan, so we need to create a mural that stirs people's souls as they walk up to worship. AND two is better than one! So please reply to this blog if you have ideas you want to share to get the ball rolling. Let's be the servant who took his talents and doubled it for his master, to which he responded, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!" Matt 25

"What is the reward," you ask? Well, being as how Mosaic is a church, indeed you must know the answer. The joy of knowing you created something of extraordinary value for generations to come! "Let's see colours no one else has seen. Let's go to places no one else has been." -U2
Deadline TBD.

Please send Joby any of your ideas, even if you're doubtful... it could be the ONE! joby@mosaic.org

Mosaic's obSERVE gallery event

We are coming up pretty close to our big gallery event. Right now we are working on advertising and getting volunteers for the event. The most you can do if you want to help out is:
1. Spread the word... Let's get a lot of people taking mosaic's paintings into their homes. If you can pass out flyers or know companies that will distribute them, please contact Michelle (see below).
2. Spread the love... Come to the event and chat with the people there. This could be a great opportunity to get to know artists in the industry and begin friendships.

If you would like to help in addition to this, please contact:
Kristin Gallagher
or Michelle Seow
We are delegating tasks and could use a few more people.

Thanks! And we look forward to seeing you at obSERVE.
Friday, November 10, 2006, 7:00 – 9:00 pm, including live music, a silent auction and an open reception. The event is located in, but not associated with, the South Pasadena Library Community Room at 1115 El Centro Street, South Pasadena, CA 91030.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

September Update

Wow! Been alittle busy lately. For those of you who had gone- wasn't Terra Nova ,Terra-riffic?

Now... I give to you-- boring updates-

This Saturday, Sept. 16th, 10am-5pm
Location:Inland Community Church5540 Schaefer Ave.Chino, CA 91710 Cost: $10
Get there! If you are on staff at Mosaic, and on staff only, than this is a day for you to be a part of. This Leadership advance is called "Alter". We will be simply taking the day to pause as a community and worship together, pray together, and regroup spiritually as we seek God and all that he has for us and what he wants to do through us at Mosaic. Consider it a break from the constant GO! GO! GO! of Mosaic, to pause as a congragation, one body, and simply be in His presence. We will also be taking the Lords Supper and welcoming aboard new Staff. Go to the website to register (RSVP) as there will be a meal provided and space is limited. www.mosaic.org
(It's listed on the bottom of the page.)


Thank you all for your patience as we update our contact list! If you haven’t received an email from me requesting current info please drop me a line with the following info-
1. Name
2. Gathering you attend
3. Art style you create with
4. Current contact info (number/email)

To paint, sculpt or create any other art IN FRONT of our gatherings at Mosaic, (On or around the stage) we ask that you first be on volunteer staff (a member) or at least be going through the process.

As artistic as Mosaic is and as much as we strive to provide a creative outlet for people, you must know that we care more about you as a person, your character and more importantly your walk with God, than we do about your talent. We could easily look at you as a talented person who could fill a slot and create something that would look great for us and benefit you as an artist with attention and opportunity; or we could go beyond the surface of your skills and our needs and care about who you are, who you were created to be and more importantly where you draw your creativity from.

Other than Erwin, our pastor, and the worship team, the painter is the third most publicly recognized individual at our services where many guests and people who don't know God go to talk and observe and ask about what was painted. People will judge us as a church and our mission based on who is in front of them, so we hold this standard highly, not to say-- you have to earn the spot, but just so we don't set you up to be a hypocrite for creating and representing something you may not agree with or support that’s coming from the others on stage. We desire unity in Christ ,especially within our voice to Los Angeles.

Not only is your faith and walk with God challenged and cultivated within community but also through serving others with others. I know your gifts include being artistic, but sometimes simply showing up early and helping set up a chair or two will allow you to get to know others and allow others to get to know you outside of your talent. Don’t ever think that people will only like you based on what you do or what you’ve done or how good you are at your craft. God has created you as a person of value and depth that goes far beyond an ability to draw or paint and that’s the person Mosaic wants to know.

Being on volunteer staff at Mosaic requires that you take the Mosaic Life in Christ classes. Classes that take you through an in-depth journey on truly living a passionate life in Jesus Christ. The final part of the Mosaic volunteer staff process is attending the Mosaic Life in Church class where you gather with other pre-staffers over lunch and learn more about the mission of Mosaic in Los Angeles and the world as a church, ultimately deciding if Mosaic is who you want to be on mission with. For more information on the next Life In Christ Classes and to join Voluntary Staff at Mosaic contact any of the following-

IF YOU ARE NOT ON STAFF or in the PROCESS and you still would like a platform to create that involves our gatherings, than here is an opportunity we gladly give you. Please contact the point person for the gathering you attend and we will provide for you a canvas if you like. Using what we provide or your own materials, we would love to see your response to a message or topic that is done at Mosaic in art form to show in a mini gallery in the front lobbies of our gatherings. Again, you can either contact us for a canvas or use whatever medium you want. But allow it to be a response to what you have experienced and heard at a Mosaic service.

MAYAN: Tammy Borrero tammy@mosaic.org
PASADENA: Julia Lovan julesandthesea@gmail.com
WESTSIDE : Kirsten Presher kpresher@hotmail.com


This is from Mosaic artist Young Mi Chi-

“I've interned for MTA's public art program (awhile back) and really came to appreciate public art and its power to impact the larger culture/community on a daily basis (much the same way i appreciate furniture design). I'd love to encourage mosaic artists to consider pursuing public art projects in LA and the MTA has a wide variety of them from small to large, short term/temporary to permanent--and i also personally know that they are a genuinely great group of artist/administrators who try to run a fair process of selection.

The MTA has a series of Artist Workshops scheduled for September (12, 14, 21) at various locations throughout LA to let artists know what types of projects are available, how to apply for them, what is expected, etc.”


Friday, November 10th
This is it! The Gallery Event where we will be silent auctioning off all of the paintings done at Mosaic from our gatherings. The proceeds will go back into the ministry to pay for supplies and future missions trips as well as a few yet to be determined charities. Live music, live artists, food and drinks, and lots of meaningful art to be sold and hung in peoples houses- starting great conversations. If you would like to help out at the event, please contact me!

Because I am one man in a little closet office using only a typewriter, a thumb tack and an old wooden pencile to do my work, I am having trouble not allowing artists, especially new artists to fall through the cracks at Mosaic. I ask for all of your patience but more importantly, that you not take a position of waiting on us to come get you. Take initiative with getting involved in any way you can at Mosaic. Do not allow Mosaic to be your ONLY platform for creating or you will be dissapointed. To help with this, we will be starting several Visual Arts Small groups throughout the city to help you have more platforms for creating and to help you simply get to know others without waiting for me to respond to your emails or plug you in personally. My one pencile can only be sharpened so many times before it.... Stay tuned for locations and contacts!

God Bless you all and I'll talk to you again soon! Very soon as I will be desperately trying to give you all an October update. Oh man...I'd better start Christmas shopping.


Friday, July 07, 2006


Hello everyone! We have a very diverse group of people here- (in no particular order- Painters, graphic designers, sculpters, photographers, fashion designers, illustrators, set designers, prop makers, knitters and even cooks. Did I forget anyone?

I’ll cut the jibber jab and get to the point.

Thank you to everyone who submitted pieces to this project! It’s not too late- you can still get it in- just do it now!

Photographer Stan Eng will be at all of the services to take pictures of any and all art remaining- paintings, sculptures etc.

So bring what you have to any of the gatherings next Sunday the 16th and drop it off at the ARTISANS table.

During the service we will take pictures of it and have it ready for you at the same table for you to pick up. OR make arrangements with me to come by and take a picture of your piece if it cannot leave your security fortressed apartment.


Want to join Staff at Mosaic?
If any of you want to begin the Life in Christ classes, to ultimately join the Staff at Mosaic, then we will be holding the first meeting Monday July 24th! This is a once a week for six weeks gathering to discuss your life in Jesus Christ. The first steps to take in coming on board Staff at Mosaic. Contact Tammy Borrero to sign up- tammy@mosaic.org or contact me- joby@mosaic.org

VISUAL ARTS MEETING Tuesday, July 25th
This will be our once a month meeting for all of you Visual Artists! We will be meeting in a more central place this time. We’re working to hopefully meet somewhere a little more creative than my living room. I will contact you all shortly in terms of the meeting place but keep this night open if you can! 8pm- 10pm

PHOTO DAY, Saturday JULY 29th
Our photo day is back! This is a day where we meet up, go somewhere, take pictures of stuff, then go somewhere else and then eat something. Too vague? Alright- it’s a photographer’s field trip. Let us know your ideas on cool places that you’ve always wanted to shoot! We may just go there- but keep the afternoon to early evening of the 29th free!

TERRA NOVA September 2nd thru the 4th @ Pail Mountain
Seriously folks, I can’t stress this retreat enough. This will be one of the best yet as we are at a new camp, hanging out in the hills under a huge tent…maybe large, not huge…it might be huge though—tent, creating together, eating gourmet meals, and yes- drinking starbucks coffee. The Mosaic artisan lead team will be challenging you in how you get your ideas. How can your creativity tap into the unseen? Is it possible that God can speak through you and your art in a prophetic way? This is a great time to meet other artists, and allow God to inspire you creatively and spiritually. This is also the perfect retreat to invite that artist friend of yours who wants a deeper understanding of where character and creativity comes from! Did I mention the amazing food and coffee? What about the huge tent? Go to www.mosaic.org/terranova to register online or contact Monique at 562-908-2200 x 122

Contact these awesome ladies if you would like to paint at any of our services. Again, please don't be afraid of "painting the wrong thing" or "what if i mess up" or "what if it's not good." Your painting , even if it's a smudge, will be a blessing to everyone, especially the visitors who have never seen anything like this at a church.
MAYAN- Tammy Borrero at tammy@mosaic.org
WESTSIDE (Beverly Hills) -Kirsten Presher at kpresher@hotmail.com
PASADENA- Julia LoVan wahine_switchfoot@yahoo.com

ILLUMINATE (KIDSMOSAIC) If you love kids and you're an artist, here are some ways you can help! And now presenting- Eileen Lu- "We have an amazing opportunity for artists to impact kids throughout the city! During the month of July (10-22), we're having Illuminate, our summer inner city arts camp in East L.A. at the Hollenbeck Youth Center. What a great way to bring hope to children who are often overlooked and forgotten in our society. Join us at one of our informational meetings coming up! - Pasadena: April 23 (KidsMosaic building) 10:30am & 12:30pm - Mayan: April 23 (downstairs under stage) 6:30 & 8:30pm - Westside: April 30 (KidsMosaic room) 12:30pm
They will be teaching children about art from around the world! If you have an interest in any of these opportunities with Illuminate- contact Eileen Lu at eileen@mosaic.org JULY OBSERVATION: ( Great artists are great observers. I challenged many of you to begin keeping journals or something that you can keep your ideas in. Stash photos from magazines, doodles, color samples ---anything you see and like in this one place and return to it when you want to create.) Buy an interior design magazine. Cut out and keep the pictures that you’re drawn to. The colors, the shapes, the lighting. Many times the ideas for these rooms are taken from art pieces that the designer likes. Reverse it again- can you transfer the color scheme and shapes into a piece of your art?

Hebrews 4:12
12For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 13Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.
It’s no question that Gods word to us is alive, but also active? Sometimes our lives can be stagnant and feel like we’re not moving. So what would happen if we included something that was “alive and active” in our lives more.
Buy some index cards and begin writing verses on them. Carry a few everyday in your pocket or place them on the dashboard of your car. When you’re in line waiting or in traffic, you can reflect on something that is definitely moving.

For Erwin and his family, Eric Bryant and his family and for God to continue leading us into what it is He wants us to do to reach Los Angeles and the world. Pray for strength, wisdom and protection on our leaders and their families.

God could wipe this city out. But He loves it. His heart breaks for the people in this city. Pray that the city and His church in Los Angeles could be raised up, not torn down.
Continue to pray for the health of Susan Logie’s father.

You will hear from me again soon! Please contact me if you need anything at all. (except that!)
JOBY HARRIS joby@mosaic.org 562-908-2200 x103