Monday, July 13, 2009

August MJ Tribute Fashion Show

"A THRILLER of an opportunity for Los Angeles based fashion designers! "

If you are a designer and your love for the man, the myth, the legend- MICHAEL JACKSON knows no end, this project is for you!

I am looking for designers and models for my event company's upcoming "Blame It on The Boogie" MJ Tribute Fashion Show taking place at the end of August!

Designers will draw the name of one of his greatest hits out of a Fedora and create a piece around that song!

As the time is ticken' here and we have two months until the show (around August 29th which would have been his birthday) we need to get the ball rolling and songs chosen asap!

I look forward to moonwalking with you P.Y.T.'s!

If interested please contact me (Courtney) at............

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