Thursday, April 24, 2008

Fashion Show and Art Gallery

Taking place at Grand Hope Park (adjacent to FIDM)
W 9th Street and Hope
Los Angeles, CA 90017

May 8th, 7:30PM-10PM

Featuring a runway show of 17 established and up-and-coming designers and an art gallery of over 25 local and professional artists.
Hope in the City jackets are also available at the event!

Contact Corrie Sullivan ( or Tammy Borrero ( if you:
*would like to volunteer
*are interested in sponsorship opportunities
*have any questions or concerns

Thank you…and we’ll see you on May 8th!
Would you like to see your art online or featured in a publication?

Check out Flavorpill….

Flavor Pill

They're constantly looking for brilliant designs, illustrations, and photography to run as covers for our online magazines. Send them what you have and if picked, they’ll feature it atop one of their publications and in this gallery, along with your bio.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Style your Soul

April 20th 2008
At the Mayan 2-5pm
Tom Shoes website for more info

Job opportunities

This summer 18th Street Arts Center is offering 3 fulltime paid internships (as part of the Getty Foundation's Multicultural Internships program):

1. Catalogue Designer/Gallery Assistant
2. Web Designer/Archivist
3. Public Art Planning Assistant

To apply for all positions, please email, fax or mail a cover letter and resume to Program Coordinator Ronald Lopez at:

18th Street Arts Center, 1639 18th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404
fax 310-453-4347, tel 310-453-3711, x103

All positions are for 10 weeks, $350/week, between June and August.
Check here for more details