Spotlight on an Artist

Pretty much the real me. Ha ha
Name, Age, Part of Southern California currently residing in.
Steve Opperman
Downtown LA
Q2. Where are you originally from and what brought you to LA?
I'm from Canada
I moved to LA about 3 years ago. Reason being, is that my friend Steve dubbeldam and I started up a denim line called iron army. After launching it in Edmonton we showed our jeans in las vegas and then took a road trip down to LA to meet with president of sales from 7 for all mankind who we met that week in vegas. After staying on floors for a month we met with an investor and called our families and anounced that we were officially moving to LA. They were totally supportive and we continued to run iron army for 3 years. This year we just started our new lined called [city-of-others] which will be in stores at the begining of July. I feel like God has led me to LA to inspire and connect like minded kids and to live a life that is counter cultural to the fashion industry.
Q3. What is your artistic expression(s)?
I enjoy sewing, painting, making videos.
Q4.Artistic background (jobs, training, etc)?
No real training I taught myself how to sew and paint and the video stuff is probably the hardest because it requires a lot of technology that I'm slowly warming up to. I need more patience with that. Ha ha
Q5. What inspires you and your work?
I'm really inspired by the people that I meet and things from previous generations (thrift stores are my favorite places in the world) I'm also inspired from art and fashion magazines and buisness books.
Q6. What area(s) of Mosaic do you serve? In what capacity? How did you get connected to the ministry?
I got connected to the art ministry. Painting durring the service. I met erwin when I was living up in Edmonton and mosaic was the first church that I checked out when I moved to LA
Q7. Tell us about some of your recent projects. is what I have been focusing on the most. I also have his idea to make my own clothes from scratch for an entire year and call it the temple project. Inspired from 2 chronicles.
Q8. When youre not creating what do you like to do?
Hang out with my girlfriend rebekah.
Q9. Any other comments?
I'm reading through the bible from start to finished and it's been one of the coolest artistic inspirations that I have ever. The images that pop into my head I sketch and hopefully will intigrate into my future art.
Check out
city of others
Inspired by my friends and I love my bike

[City of Others] Inspiration Board

[City of Others] Photo Shot

Rebekah and me. She lives in Portland and I try to get up there whenever I can.

Old world mixing new world. I love this it's called steampunk