Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Stage Design need help!

This is a call for help! The Stage Design team at Mosaic is building a huge staircase/tower set prop for a dance piece on Nov. 4th. They're working hard as you read this to finish it by the 1st, and we on the dance team are trying to enlist some help. We are tentatively looking at either Monday, Oct. 29th or Wednesday the 31st as a night to storm Mott Auditorium and help finish building and painting this monstrosity. If you are interested in coming and helping one of those nights, please reply to this email and we will make sure to update you on the specifics.

We will have ice cream and root beer and a boombox. It'll be a dancing-painting-building-rootbeerfloathaving-party.

Plus you will be able to put the finishing touches on what promises to be a monstrous, ambitious set prop that will stand tall on the Mott and Mayan stages on Nov. 4th.
email if they want to join,
cuz we don't know yet if it'll be Monday or Wednesday

Friday, October 19, 2007

Graphic Novel

Graphic Novel download at
Pasadena, Westside, and the Mayan: Coming October 7th, a new series called “Living An Original Life.”

WARNING: For those who follow the crowd, for those who maintain the status quo, for those whose highest aspiration is mediocrity. This message series will be harmful to your lifestyle! This fall travel with the Mosaic community as we journey together on a quest toward living an original life. The adventure begins Sunday, October 7th at the Pasadena, Westside, and Mayan gatherings.

Original Life Speakers: Erwin McManus will be speaking at the 9am Pasadena, Westside, and Mayan gatherings. Rickey Williams will be speaking at the new 11am Pasadena gathering!

O3: The Graphic Novels

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Photos from Zambia Gallery

Here are some photos from the Zambia Dinner/Gallery held September 16, 2007. We had 6 live artists, 4 of which had booths where they created original art that was auctioned throughout the night, and the remaining 2 painted an amazing frame/mural on the wall where footage from Zambia was projected. Images from the mural are seen here. Proceeds from the event was used to support an ongoing project of building a village that will provide a safe haven for the children in Zambia to live, learn, and receive the proper health care they so desperately need.

Here is a photo of what the funds raised help to build in Zambia.

Fall Festival Parties need help!

"We have a great opportunity to help our Mosaic
families connect with kids and families over L.A.
Halloween night, Wed., Oct. 31! We're looking for
artists to help face paint at one our neighborhood
parties! Please contact if you're
interested or available that night!"

Here are the 12 locations:

Union Station Foundation
825 East Orange Grove Boulevard
Pasadena, California 91104
Contact Carisa Robinson if interested (

Mike/Kacie Hertz
Temple City, 91780

Della/Albert Cho
San Marino, 91108

Eric/Debbie Bryant
Alhambra, 91803

Kristin/Dan Romo
Whittier, 90606

Danny/Debbie Hernandez
Whittier 90601

Joe/Irene Wong
**Sat., Oct. 27**
South Pasadena 91030

Glenn/Karissa McKinney
Glendale, CA 91207

Eric/Lorena Pinal
West Covina, 91790

Natalie/Rowel Salvador
L.A. 90043
(Southwest L.A.)

Debbie/Paul Brazil
Granada Hills 91344
(San Fernando Valley)

John/Rosemary Larrazabal
Los Angeles 90047

Friday, October 12, 2007

Observe Gallery

“OBSERVE: Mosaic’s Second Annual Gallery Event and Silent Auction”
Event: November 3, 2007

Mosaic presents “OBSERVE: Mosaic’s Second Annual Gallery Event and Silent Auction”, a charity event held on November 3. Organized by Mosaic, the event features a silent auction on over 75 inspirational art/paintings dealing with purpose, meaning, faith, hope, spirituality, and humanity; many created in 40 minutes during Mosaic’s gatherings in the Los Angeles and Pasadena areas by local and professional artists.

The event will be held on Saturday, November 3, 2007, 6:00 – 9:00 pm, including live music, a silent auction and an open reception. The event is located in, but not associated with the South Pasadena Library Community Room at 1115 El Centro Street, South Pasadena, CA 91030.

CONTACT: Kristin Gallagher

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

ART Walks

WHAT & WHY: The Ob(serve) Art Walk

People interested in serving with an artistic twist will be getting together in 3 different locations! We will visit artistic communities (art galleries, museums, and exhibits concentrated in particular neighborhoods) and a coffee shop or two and distribute our Ob(serve) zines that came out last year. We will hopefully engage in conversations with others and spontaneously find small ways to serve people in the community (ex. paying for a stranger's coffee . . and we can think of other little ways). Basically - have fun! This is a great way to get to know some of the other artists within Mosaic, develop relationships with other lovers of art within these communities, serve with others in a unique way, and enjoy really great art that is being exhibited LOCALLY!


Thursday, October 11
7pm - 10pm
Downtown LA @ Downtown Art Walk
Los Angeles Center for Digital Art
107 West 5th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013 US

Friday, October 12
7:00pm - 10pm
Pasadena @ Art Night

Saturday, Oct 13
Either Culver City or Venice - TBA!

Please save the date and MORE information is to come!!

Come to one or come to all. Please specify if there is a location you are interested in attending. We are currently organizing groups to go and we would love to have you join us!